Monday, October 25, 2010

"Woman's Rights/When Woman Get Her Rights Man Will Be Right"By Sojourner Truth- "Conquering Themselves So Beautifully" By Louisa May Alcott

                            These two pieces fit extraordinarily well together. They both manage to hit the major points of what women have been faced with throughout time. One focused more on the rights of women and women coming into there own as a powerful group rather than the property of men. The other story was about four young women, each of these young women could relate to any type of women because they faced all of the insecurities and expectations women face every day.
                           In the piece written by Sojourner Truth i saw two sides to the writer. In both Woman's Rights and When Woman Get Her Rights Man Will Be Right, i saw a great deal of emotion. Woman's Rights was written very plainly, in the authors exact words which brings the reader ever deeper into the authors world. As for the second piece written by Sojourner Truth, i do have to admit i was a little confused at her examples. In parts of her speech it almost feels like she understands that women, more specifically black women are not as intelligent as the white women. Though after reading it over a few times i saw that maybe she was trying to appeal to the white women for support in the fight as well. Sojourner knew that the fight for woman to be treated as equals was not going to be easy, she needed all the help she could get.
                        Conquering themselves so Beautifully connected with Sojourners speech because in this story the woman were treated better because they were not slaves, but they still had to fit a certain mold to please a man. Regardless of the fact that the man they were pleasing was there father, i still feel that was a defining point in the story. The problem was not that they were trying to please there father but in the way they thought they should. All of the girls wanted to be more "lady like" and the intellectual child "Amy" wanted to basically dumb herself down because everyone told her it was wrong for her to try to speak with such large words.
                    Both of these pieces hit different sides of the fights woman face everyday, no matter what the year may be the challenges woman must over some keep coming. Today woman still must fight to prove themselves at home, school and the work place, i know that just as our ancestors have done before use we will continue to conquer the challenges ahead.

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