Monday, October 18, 2010

"I'm Thin Therefore I Am" By: Nicci Gerrardo

                As i began to read the title of this story i imagined it would be about  a typical women speaking about body image and how much women really care about it. I quickly realized that it was completely the opposite, there was so much depth in this piece that i immediately became intrigued. I feel that most women can easily relate to this story because its about more than appearance, its about life and living, savoring every part of it.
               The author began the story by talking about hunger and how it rarely plays a part in why she eats. Her first sentence alone could make a connection to anyone because no matter what mood you are in when you eat, most of the time its because of your feelings, not your stomach. She then goes on to explain how important food and cooking is in her daily life. Its a door that connects her to her family, herself and even piece. The author does a magnificent job of bringing to light the happiness but also the pain food brings to peoples lives.
                Gerrardo also switches over from the joy she gets from food, to how peoples body images changing over the years. Its obvious that societies vision of beauty is a thin and tall figure but society may be the reason why so many young people have body dis morphia or believe they are over weight when in reality they are extremely Mal nourished. Though many test have proven this to be a growing problem in our country i would have to disagree with the example given in the book about the Miss America pageant winners. After seeing the picture of the winner from 1927 i saw that she was average in body size and looked exactly like what era would have consisted of. I have to admit i was expecting a drastic difference when i looked over at their winner in 1997, but as far as body image goes i don't think there was anything wrong with her. The nutrition experts quoted in the book stated that the contestants now are dangerously malnourished and under weight, i do not think that is true. Of course the contestant from 1997 is going to look different because in that decade women where already exercising different ideas, and a more fit and healthy body was one of them. Though there are definitely a high number of pageant girls malnourished I don't see any signs of that in the photo of the winner in 1997.
                Overall i thought this piece was very strong and made me think of my family, about how we all connect and come together over food. Its a source of comfort and can show someone how much you really care for them. I very much enjoyed reading this because it wasn't the normal story about someones struggle with food that makes you resent eating, it was a story that reminds you about what a great thing it can be, all the wonderful memories it can bring.

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